Talcottville Timeline
What happened when? A timeline to keep events in relationship.
- 1635: Windsor, Hartford & Wethersfield settled
- 1716: First settlers arrive in Rockville area from East Windsor
- 1720: Town of Bolton incorporated which included the current town of Vernon as North Bolton
- 1726: First Permanent Settler: Samuel Grant moves from Windsor to North Bolton
- 1740: Saw mill erected at Valley Falls
- 1760: North Bolton becomes a distinct Ecclesiastical Society
- 1776: Declaration of Independence signed
- 1789: North Bolton given mile and a half of East Windsor
- 1802: John Warburton house is built; oldest structure in village
- 1808: Vernon separates from Bolton and incorporates
- 1809: John Warburton sells out to the McLeans, Tinker and Fuller
- 1809: Peter Dobson builds cotton spinning mill on the Tankerhoosen
- 1816: Alexander McClean sells out to Thomas Bull
- 1821: First power looms at Rock Mill in Rockville
- 1835: Nathaniel Kellogg becomes sole proprietor and names town Kelloggville
- 1841: First manufacture of fine linens in Rockville
- 1849: Hartford, Providence and Fishkill Railroad opens through Vernon
- 1854: Nathaniel Kellogg dies
- 1856: Talcott Brothers buy village and mill
- 1860-64: Civil War; mill makes blankets for Northern Army
- 1863: Railroad spur to Rockville opens
- 1867: Talcott Brothers give land for Mount Hope Cemetery
- 1869: Spring freshet destroys upper Talcott mill, lower mill burns
- 1869: Present dam built
- 1870: Current Talcott mill built
- 1873: Horace G. Talcott dies
- 1880: The Library is built; the clock was installed in 1881
- 1880: Schoolhouse is built
- 1882: C. Denisen Talcott dies
- 1888: March blizzard paralyzes northeast
- 1891: Lenticular Truss Bridge built
- 1906: Congregational Church burns; Talcott office moved to The Library, now The Office
- 1914-18: First World War
- 1929: Beginning of Great Depression, mill begins decline
- 1938: Hurricane brings flooding and destruction
- 1938: Dam strenghtened Hurricane brings flooding and destruction
- 1939: Ackersly Mill at Talcottville Gorge torn down
- 1939-45: Second World War
- 1941: Talcottville Mills, Inc. organized to run mills for Talcott Brothers
- 1940's: Highway built through Vernon destroying Dobsonville
- 1947: Talcott's sell mill to Alfred Cavedon & the Nodevac Corp; houses sold to individuals
- 1962: Four Chimney building demolished
- 1968: The Office is demolished; clock moved to The Colony
- 1970: Cavedon closes Aldon Spinning Mills Corp
- 1982: Interstate I-84 widened taking remainder of Dobsonville and more of wetlands
- 1989: Talcottville listed on National Historic Register
- 2001: Historic Talcottville Association formed
- 2010: Talcott Family donates Ravine to Northern CT Land Trust
Updated December 2020
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